Eye of the Storm
“Will you all please come down to the day cabin below as there’s something I need to tell you.”
“What’s up,
Alan? You look so serious.”
Val. Just go below.”
I thought back
to our plane’s descent to Santa Domingo airport in the Dominican Republic and
the appearance of those wispy clouds outside the windows. The gradual descent
from 30,000 feet went unnoticed until the plane’s wheels were almost touching
the ground. That was three weeks ago. The weather had gradually become duller
over the last few hours and the wind had clearly increased in strength. I left
the cruise control engaged and climbed down the stair-ladder from the roof
cockpit to await the others. The padded bench seating in the day cabin at deck
level formed a U-shape around the central table on which stood a book and
several maps. The cooling atmosphere above deck was very much at odds with the
days that had passed when that earlier brilliant sunshine and gentle breeze off
the sea had made cruising on this fabulous vessel a truly enjoyable experience.
I turned on the radio receiver as I busied myself organising some drinks and
considered how I’d start what I had to say.
The launch
had been hired at Santa Domingo and we'd sailed through the Mona Passage that
runs between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico and then eastwards onto the
group of the Leeward Islands. We had last re-fuelled at Plymouth in Montserrat
and were now heading west on the return leg to Santa Domingo.
National Weather Service has issued a hurricane watch.” I got straight to the
point, as the news wasn’t something that could be broken gently. “It’s too
early to be sure, so we have to listen to the radio for updates to monitor
We are all going to die,” blurted out Susan.
“No, no,
Dear. That isn't going to happen,” purred Richard in his usual disarming and
laid back manner as he tried to console his wife. This time it didn’t have much
patronise me,” she wailed. “Hurricanes are deadly, aren’t they? And here we are
on the High Seas. Double deadly.” I was quite taken aback by Susan's outburst
and Richard just sat motionless in his seat. The subtle change in mood over the
last few days had suddenly landed.
I was well
aware that I needed to revitalise my own marriage, as it had become
increasingly stale over recent months, especially since our children were now
grown up and had left home, but until that moment I had thought it was just Val
and myself who had the problems. I was wrong. Darkening clouds could be seen
assembling above the horizon to the east behind us and they must have been
several miles high to be visible so far away.
“I found
this on one of the shelves," I continued, pointing at the book on the
table. "It has some information on weather patterns in this area of the
World. The Weather Service bulletin updates will tell us if we face only a
tropical disturbance that should blow itself out in a couple of hours or
something more serious. A hurricane watch doesn't mean a hurricane is going to
happen, but it is warning of the possibility,” I explained, trying desperately
to restore some calm in the stormy atmosphere brewing in the cabin that almost
matched the outside conditions.
serious? I told you we are all going to die,” Susan blubbered. Val moved
towards our friend and put her arm around her. Susan turned to look at Val and
tears flooded down her face. It was though she was emptying herself of some
grief she had contained for too long.
I asked Val,
my wife, how she felt. She tossed her raven hair away from her tanned face and
fixed her gaze squarely on me.
at last.”
I was
surprised, though took this as an indication of the dullness in her life. I
responded with a gentle nod.
“I am not
going to misrepresent our situation and certainly don't want to alarm you
unnecessarily, but this is something you have to know about, even though it may
just be a storm in a teacup.”
Heaven's sake, Alan, do you have to make a joke of it?” Val hissed at me as she
tried to comfort Susan.
“Sorry, I
wasn't thinking,” I managed.
“No, Alan,
you certainly weren't!”
I must have
looked as haunted as I felt.
“Look, Alan,
don't beat yourself up. This problem isn’t your fault.” Val had quickly
reverted to her usual soft tone as she spoke.
announcement on the radio confirmed the worst. A hurricane had been declared
and it was moving in our direction at a little under 20mph. We were
experiencing only the beginnings of what was coming.
description of ‘problem’ and not ‘disaster’ or ‘mess’ gave me an insight to her
thinking and her attention to our friend showed how kind, considerate and
caring she was especially in a desperate situation. In that instant I felt a
surge of desire for this woman. How could I have been so blind to not
appreciate what a lovely person she always had been? I felt awful, excited and
frightened all at the same moment. Val was such a special person. Suddenly,
respect for her flooded over me like a wave. I didn’t know if it was a new
respect or what I used to have, but had long forgotten. It was a wonderful
feeling anyway, though Val was right. It wasn't my fault, even if I did feel
terribly responsible.
This trip
had been my idea and one of the reasons I had suggested it was to try to pep up
my marriage. Strain and tension had been growing between Val and me and she had
definitely become less tolerant of my introvert nature recently. My lifetime's
experience as a physics teacher had never made me feel comfortable in social
situations. Even mentoring students is not the same as socialising. Richard and
Susan were directors of their own successful haulage business that they had
started several years ago and needed a break as they hadn't been away from
their work in nearly five years. With Val’s agreement, I had invited them to
join us on this trip. Richard’s outgoing approach to life was very different to
my more staid personality and I’d hoped his influence could draw me out of
myself. They had no children and immediately took up my offer, though it wasn’t
a free holiday. I am not that wealthy, but the opportunity of a month in the
Caribbean was too much to pass up.
“Tell us
what you know about hurricanes,” urged Val.
“It’s not
much though it’s very simple really,” I started to explain. “Hurricanes need
lots of warm water and these waters in August are very warm at the surface. The
warmer the sea, more water evaporates to feed the storm.”
That’s it? You’re pathetic, Alan. You make us sound like bloody idiots,” yelled
Susan. “Why don’t we go for an afternoon swim in the nice warm water, then?”
Tears welled-up in her eyes.
outburst may have surprised me, but it had visibly shocked Richard and I’d
never before seen him look so ashen with fear and confusion. Val just looked at
me with a gentle smile on her lips and amazed me by showing no fear although I
felt she must be terrified. A real display of courage and I admired her for
“We face a
hurricane and must get onto land and find some safe place to protect us from the
storm,” I told them.
Susan was
sobbing loudly and drawing in great gulps of air with Val doing her best to
comfort our friend as I examined a map. Richard looked on with that vague
expression of helplessness.
“We have
another serious problem though,” I stated. “We last refuelled in Montserrat and
that is now about 150 miles over to the east. The nearest landfall on our
present heading is Puerto Rico to the north-west of us and we're mid-way
between the two. The storm is coming from the east and at least we are moving
away from it.”
“So, what’s
the problem, Alan?” questioned Val.
“The problem
is our fuel load. The storm’s moving our way at a little under 20mph and at
full speed we can manage 30mph. That sounds like a no-brainer, but if we go too
fast we will run out of fuel and be stranded on the sea. Our speed will have to
be kept to the slowest to conserve fuel and that was the original plan when
there was no urgency. It will take us roughly 10 hours to reach Puerto Rico and
that assumes the sea current does not drag us from our course.”
“How far can
we go with the fuel we have?” Susan asked.
I thought
this was an obvious question, but I was surprised that Susan had been the one
to ask it.
“We’ve a
little over 100 gallons in our tanks and if we keep our speed down, we can make
about 15mph. That’s the 10 hours to Puerto Rico.”
“But the
storm’s coming at us faster than that!” said Val.
“That’s the
problem. If we go any faster, we will run out of fuel. Even at the minimum
engine revs this boat will do around 2 miles to the gallon, but a great deal
less the faster we go. At top speed this drops to less than 1 mile to the
gallon. We dare not go back towards the Leeward Islands as this would take us
on a heading straight into the storm. At least now the wind is more or less
behind us.”
Val did a
quick mental calculation. “At full speed we could reach Puerto Rico in around 5
hours,” she told us.
“No.” I
replied, “The fuel tanks would be empty well before we got there and we don’t
have any reserve. We would be just floating on the sea and not stand a chance.
If the wind and currents take us from our course we will need all the fuel we
can to try and maintain it. The fastest we dare go will give us a chance, but
with the effect of the sea current…well, I don’t know.”
“Didn’t you
factor this in when you planned the trip?” said Richard.
“No. And I
didn’t factor in a hurricane either.”
“What are we
going to do, then, Alan?” Val asked.
“We can only
hope that we can stay far enough ahead of the storm to basically out-run it.”
joined Susan in complete silence.
The gentle
thrumming of the engines, whistling wind and slapping waves on the hull of the
launch created a foreboding mixture of sounds. The sea had gradually become
noticeably more turbulent as a constant reminder of our situation. Time dragged
on as the storm came towards us. The force of the wind had increased and the
impacting waves threatened to push us from our heading. We still had almost 150
miles to go and that would take several hours. The storm relentlessly continued
on a heading towards us and even now the launch was being pitched violently in
the roughening sea. The swell and forceful sea current were taking us slightly
southwards and away from safety. The atmosphere within the group was very
The next
comment I heard came from a surprising source.
“Look over there. Is that a mountain?” shrieked Susan with excitement. She had been looking out of the forward window and must have been carefully scanning the stormy sea. Fear can do amazing things to focus the mind.
I went up
top with my binoculars and examined the horizon until I found the shadowy and
rocky island that Susan had sighted. It was covered in bushes and trees and
appeared uninhabited: no buildings, boats or any other signs of life. The huge
looming clouds blotted out the sun as it crossed the sky and created a
fantastic brilliance ahead that contrasted with the darkening sky behind. This
island was the oasis in a watery desert even though the silhouette looked very
sinister against the almost white sky. The speed of the wind kept increasing as
the hurricane relentlessly came closer to its target. Us. It was happening and
the growing winds ensured we remained within the confines of reality.
“We need to
find some high ground on this place.” I advised in a raised voice so that I
could be heard over the howling wind. “When the storm hits us, the waves will
be driven onto the land causing a tidal surge, so we need to be inside and
under cover with our supplies. Take as much food and water as we can. And be
sure to take some blankets and warm clothes. We may need them.”
We reached
the shallower waters of the island and managed to negotiate the strong currents
to the entrance of a cove. The following waves rammed the boat up onto the beach,
the bow cutting a deep furrow into the sand. The stern continued to be forced
around and the bow was almost screwed into the sand. The force of the waves
nearly pushed the boat onto its side, though we did come to a jolting stop. The
narrow strip of sand was lined with trees that extended almost to the shoreline
and through the swaying branches of the trees I could just make out the
menacing mountain. I realised that we were nose-deep in sand on the upper part
of what was probably a submerged volcano. Where all the sand had come from I
could not imagine and the sides higher up near the top were scarred with
several holes, possibly from rock having been blown out in earlier eruptions.
“This island
does not appear on any of the maps,” I said in a low voice to Val. She
blanched. “I think that you and I will have to search for somewhere to shelter
from the storm as I fear that Richard and Susan are not going to be very
reliable. Let’s go.” We were almost able to step down onto the beach and then I
turned and looked slightly upwards to face Richard and Susan.
“Don’t stay
a moment longer on the boat than you have to as the waves could turn it over,”
I shouted. “Only water, food and blankets. We have no portable radio, but I
have set the distress radio-beacon.”
Almost as an
afterthought I added optimistically: “We'd better take our passports and
documents too. We will need them later.”
I didn't
mention that the vessel would never survive the storm. It was all too obvious.
Val sidled up to me, took my arm and whispered into my ear: “Alan, I feel so
safe with you. I cannot imagine being with anyone else who could make me feel
so at ease.”
I held Val
closely and told her I loved her and kissed her on the lips. Just a brief, yet
truly meaningful kiss. I gazed for a moment into those large, deep black wells
in her eyes feeling that I could drown in happiness. What passed between us in
that moment would last me a lifetime, however short or long that may be. I was
that kid on his first date. I took Val’s hand and we ran off between the trees.
I became
aware of frantic shouting: Alan! Alan! When I had regained some of
my senses, I was very cold and realised I was drenched and lying on my back in
wet sand.
“What…? What
happened?” I anxiously asked. Val told me that a falling coconut had knocked me
out, but only for a few moments. Several were lying around me on the ground,
but we had literally stumbled on the rocky slope that led up to an opening. My
head was aching terribly, but with Val’s help I managed the difficult task of
climbing over the jagged pathway that presented considerable dangers. We peered
inside to discover a small cave. It was perfect. Safety. My sense of relief was
amazing, but was short-lived as after a few moments we forced our way against
the fierce wind and driving rain as fast as we could manage back to the boat.
We found Richard and Susan talking heatedly to each other. My head was
throbbing painfully.
“Will you
two be quiet!” I yelled, holding my head in my hands wishing I hadn’t shouted.
I was staggered
that these two could argue at a time like this. They’d done nothing since we
had left them to search for a refuge and that was at least 20 minutes earlier
so they must have been arguing for most of that time. They hadn’t even got our
essential supplies down onto the beach. I couldn’t understand their behaviour,
but ignored my worries. We had no time for dramatics. Val quickly explained
that we’d found a cave nearby and that we all needed to grab as much of our
supplies as we could and that a couple of short trips should be enough. The
trees were swaying wildly now as the storm approached. The rain lashed at my
face like needles. I felt terrible as we scrambled up the ramp into the howling
wind and whipping sandstorm. The swelling behind my ear was very painful and
had become tender to the touch as sand savagely blasted into my eyes nearly
blinding me. Fortunately, Val’s longer hair offered her some protection from
the effects of the wind and rain as she guided me to the cave entrance. Between
the four of us, we managed to haul our supplies up into the cave.
Through the
gap between the sides of the cave opening, I could see the approaching storm on
the horizon and feel the powerful wind even though we were sheltered inside the
cave. The trees were swaying wildly as the rain continued to drop out of the
sky with a force I had never witnessed before. The wind got stronger and
stronger as the storm came nearer and the terrifying noises of cracking trees
being ripped from the ground filled the air. It was getting cold and since we
had no means to make a fire the blankets were very welcome. Richard had one arm
around Susan’s shoulders as they had settled into an uncomfortable silence.
The gloomy
daytime light had gradually turned into darkness and I could hear the screaming
wind and fierce rainfall crashing down outside the cave. The inside of this
cave was dry and comforting, but the noises around us were so loud that even
plugging my ears with my fingers made no difference. I held onto Val. The
incessant roar of the storm was torture and sounded like a herd of fatally
injured animals. And on it went into the night. We huddled together in the dark
for what seemed like days, but was really only hours. By the time daylight
arrived the winds had died down. The hurricane had continued to move westward
and had left us in its eye as though it were watching us and waiting like a
hungry predator stalking its prey. After the last eight hours of rain and the
screaming noises of the wind, to be met with such stillness and near silence
was eerie. An odd thought occurred to me and I almost laughed: the ridiculous
combination of the violence of a hurricane and the relative calm at the centre
in its eye. But that’s what it is. I guessed that the eye was more than 10
miles wide since I couldn’t see any cloud movement at the horizon. The threat
of the unseen made it more frightening. Shortly afterwards, the dark tumbling
clouds appeared in the distance. In less that an hour we would be swallowed up
by the storm and forced to listen to those terrible sounds again.
approaching dark swirling clouds in the eyewall held me mesmerised. The dense
black clouds fascinated me as they spiralled upwards at an impossible speed,
like a waterfall going backwards. The force rolling towards us appeared
limitless and I felt so humble and powerless. I could do nothing except wait
and experience what fate had in store for us. We had survived the first half of
the hurricane and shortly we would be subjected to more terrors. Forty five
minutes later the storm hit us again as the peaceful eye moved away and the
violently tumbling clouds rolled over the mountain. It was truly frightening
and made worse by comparison to the respite of the still centre of this storm.
We were thrown back into that maelstrom of confused turbulence and it was so
sudden that I imagined a switch had been thrown. The huge waves crashed into
the side of the mountain and frequently warm water flooded into the cave.
“Even when
the storm has passed us we will feel the winds for several hours,” I shouted
near Val’s ear so I could be heard above the screams of the raging storm. “They
can have an effect for over 200 miles from the centre of the eye itself.”
Val squeezed
my arm gently as she placed her forehead against my neck. I could feel warm
tears and her soft sobbing. I pulled her even closer towards me.
The winds
eventually began to die down and the lashing rain eased. Over the next eight
hours the storm moved completely away from us and disappeared over the horizon
staying on its destructive path north-westwards into the middle of the Gulf of
Mexico and probably the New Orleans region of Louisiana. It would live on for a
while longer until it reached the land where it would quickly break up as its
source of fuel ran out. No more water. The hurricane would die of thirst. When
the storm around us had subsided, we dared to venture outside into the bright
sunshine. The boat had gone. Vanished from the beach without trace as though it
had never existed, probably washed away as matchwood. I hoped that the
radio-beacon would survive any battering it received as it sent its distress
signal indicating our location. It began to get dark again, but this time on a
cloudless star-filled night.
differently I felt about everything. Even the New Moon in the southern sky
seemed to signal change. I suddenly knew that I wanted to retire. I had been
thinking of this for some months, but now I had made up my mind. The raging
storm had calmed my inner turmoil. To leave all that lecturing behind me and
spend more time with Val was a wonderful prospect. Could I build a better
relationship with my children now that they had left home? Was it too late?
It's never too late to try. I saw Richard and Susan in a different light. Susan
had revealed fragility and Richard had shown he wasn't quite so strong as I had
always imagined. I felt a great compassion towards them as I realised how
insecure they must really be, but they were good people and I was glad we had
them as our friends.
And Val and
me? We had each other and I looked forward to whatever our future together may
© Louis
Brothnias (2005), Rev 5.2 (2008)