If you find out you're wrong don't perpetuate a mistake. Sometimes we change our attitudes and the way we do things without even being aware of it. Think of the route to your goal as a road to experience that has further stops on the way. You cannot detour from this road or take a short cut but must progress onward through these stops to get to your destination. Sometimes you may well be able to go around an obstacle. If you examine the things you do then there is probably not much that you don't really want to do. Some things may not be as exciting as others, but you do still want to do them. There are most likely some things that you would never do, but I bet you do everything else because you want to. Try not to view critical comment as criticism. It's not. It's the opportunity for self-improvement. The challenge is there. If a comment is made that you donŐt agree with or is not true or is unfair then ignore it. It does require honesty to self. I believe that is one of the most important things in life. Being true to oneself. If you can't do that you cannot be honest with others.


If I give a promise then I will do whatever it is that was promised. Nothing will divert me from that promise. If I feel that I cannot provide an assurance then I won't give it. This is a very simple personal code. If something is important it will wait for your attention. Some things will go away. Were they really important? Experiment. Try out various things. Practise and itÔll get better. It's how we all develop. Do be careful that you practise good form because if you practise a mistake, all you will get is an expertise at making that error. You can be conscious of being watched and it's in the mind, but is still a distraction. If you are aware of your surroundings then you cannot give it your all as only part of you is concentrating on the immediate. Try out new ideas. Consolidate things that work. Drop things that are not possible, but are you sure? Many things you may feel unable to do, but that shouldn't be reason enough to stop trying. Nothing should deter you from getting to where you want to go. This is what you need. However, if something is not physically possible, then don't waste time trying to do it.


Concentrate more on what you do well, not on what you don't do well.


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