Don't impose limits.
Don't give yourself reasons why you should not do something
only reasons why you should.
Don't expect perfection.
Don't ask too much of yourself. Just do your best.
DonŐt worry about unimportant events when you need to
concentrate on the immediate.
Don't adopt othersŐ problems.
DonŐt ever get angry with yourself. It doesnŐt help.
Do be very clear to others how
important it is that you succeed.
Do try to identify what needs
changing and have the courage to change it. Whatever it may be.
Part 2
It is risky to assume a
viewpoint without reasoning. Most of what follows is built on that theme. But
first to recap.
should review your situation to remove pressures.
overall objective may be the same but focus only on the next goal and deal with
only one thing at a time.
must have an action plan to follow that puts your own needs on a high priority
and a schedule determined by you. This way you stay in control.
should assess your own improvement from what you do now and how you do it in
the future. You against you Đ your own personal best. Repeat successful
performances but remember distractions can work against you.