I believe in developing the whole person and that to get the best from people you cannot separate work, training, family responsibilities and all those things that we all do. It's a 24 hour period of life - everyday. Everything is connected with everything else. Important personal issues cannot be neglected just to chase a particular goal. This may be acceptable to some, but for others itÕs simply not realistic. Although several strands of life are moving towards success and fulfilment, they are not necessarily related. Each affects another. You may modify one situation to fit with the others. You may alter several issues to fit in with a more immediately important one. In most cases decisions that have been made should be carried out. Later decisions are dependent on what you have decided earlier. Don't change your mind. Keep to the road. That way everything can be progressed together and each separate strand run in parallel with the others. If you constantly change your mind then you could get into an awful muddle. Of course, events can enter your life unexpectedly and throw everything into disarray, but most situations can be calmly sorted out to get back on your general course.


Are you sure you really know where you want to go? You must focus on one thing at a time since you cannot target many goals at once. Just take each immediately important event in isolation and give it your best. It becomes another piece of the jigsaw of life to be fitted later. Follow your Ògut feelingÒ. Trust in yourself. Have faith in your own abilities to get the job done. This Ògut feelingÒ is something that you accept or not. It is very personal. I believe in it and have come to respect and trust this feeling. I cannot always explain what I feel is the right action. Sometimes situations defy analysis. If the Ògut feelingÒ is good then I will go with it even if the limited available information suggests otherwise. ItÕs something that grows with experience.


Have you ever noticed how little the front wheels of a car need to turn to follow the road. To keep you on course may need also very little. Whatever you look at you will probably veer toward. Sometimes the very thing you want to avoid you will meet. The trick is to ignore any distraction, almost as if wearing blinkers. Focus on your goal and you will move toward that in the same way.


It's probably true that 90% of any job can be achieved in 10% of the time, but that last 10% takes 90% of the time. It's at times like these that it becomes more difficult to stay motivated. You should force a break every once in a while to avoid stagnation. Some activities don't have any natural breaks and we have to impose them ourselves.



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